Meal Prep Monday

Meal Plan Monday

I hope everyone is having a great Monday so far! It’s hard to believe that September and Labor Day are only a few days away! I long for all the autumn inspired foods… soups, stews, roasts! Unfortunately, the low temperatures here in Florida are still in the upper-70’s. I joked with a colleague that we must be having a cold front, the high was ‘only’ 85 today. So we have to put those cozy recipes to the side for now. But I’m counting the days until I can break them out!

One thing about my son, he is a PICKY eater. He is extremely hesitant to try new foods, and you can pretty much forget about vegetables for him. I’ve tried it all, all I can hope for now is that he comes around and realizes that green beans are delicious!

Fall baseball season is getting back into gear, and that means quick and easy meals get rotated in. Also, tournament weekends we often will go out with teammates after games and, as everyone knows, food is costing an arm and a leg these days. To balance this, I often try to make our meals budget friendly as well!

Monday – Big Pigs in a Blanket – this is a pretty basic meal, but I often forget to put in my plan. Just take a hot dog and roll a crescent roll around it and bake in the oven. I am personally a little weird about hot dogs. I normally don’t like them cooked on a skillet, only on the grill, they taste weird to me. But cooking them in the oven seems to eliminate that ‘weird’ taste. My son, hot dogs are hot dogs to him!

Tuesday – Taco Tuesday – this is pretty much a staple in our house. I make ground beef tacos and put out whatever toppings we have in the fridge. Pretty simple and easy to make .

Wednesday – Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup – easy peasy! I will often cook up some bacon to put on our grilled cheese and add some Worchestershire sauce to my sandwich, giving the sandwich a little salty kick!

Thursday – Cheeseburgers & Fries – Thursday is usually a easy night for us. We’re home and get getting ready for the weekend. This week I’m going to make beef cheeseburgers (sometimes we do turkey burgers) and fries. At least my kid will eat fries!

Friday – Pizza – we will often make our own pizzas with premade dough from the Publix bakery; it’s some of the best dough around! I like making our own pizzas at home because we can experiment or simply make a pizza exactly the way we want.

Saturday – Out to Dinner – we will be out with our baseball team doing fundraising, so I’m planning that we’ll all head out afterwards for dinner

Sundaynothing planned! I know, I know, I’m slacking. I do my shopping on Sunday and usually pick dinner based on what already have on hand and/or what looks good at the store.

I hope this gave you some ideas for dinner. I promise as time goes on, I will hold myself more accountable for not only better recipes, but better descriptions. All of this is a journey!

I hope have an amazing last week of SUMMER!

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