
A Sunday Well Spent…

They say, brings a week of content.

As a mom, this looks different every Sunday. I wish I could say that I have a ‘Sunday’ routine, but I do not. At least two Sundays a month we are up and out of the house by 6:30, heading to a baseball field for a tournament, not always knowing when we will be returning home. But there are a few tasks I do my best to accomplish each Sunday to ensure I am prepared for the week ahead:

  1. Make Time for God – this can vary from week to week, but we often try to make it to church when we are home. Or it can be watching church on the laptop or even on the phone in the car on the way to the field. One of my goals as of late has been to spend more time connecting with God and I often listen to devotionals while working or reading at night. But listening to a service hits differently. Personally, it does more for my soul & gives me the uplift I need to begin the week.
  2. Plan the week ahead – Often, this is done later in the day than I would like (and I’m working on getting is done as early in my day as possible), but I make sure I sit down with my calendar and put everything on it. I would love to say that I decorate it with stickers and washi tape and have everything color-coded, because #plannergoals, but that’s only in my dreams. Maybe someday! Once everything is written into my planner, I will then open my computer and add things to my Google calendar. I’m a huge pen-to-paper person, but I use my google calendar at work, so it’s easy to see everything during the week.
  3. Meal Plan – We are a busy duo, my son and I. If you know anything about sports families, you know dinner is at 4:30 or 9:30! Most days of the week, there is something that keeps us from having a ‘normal’ dinner time. On Sunday’s I do my best to plan out the meals for the week. Like many people these days, our grocery budget is getting tighter and we’re getting less for our dollar. So, my process has changed over time. I normally look to see what we already have and what meals I can make and then see where I need to fill in.
  4. Laundry – It seems like laundry is never ending; I even have a sign in the laundry room that alludes to our home being full with endless love and laundry LOL This year my son is wearing uniforms to school, so Sundays I make sure all of his shirts and shorts are ready to go for the week. That can mean i have to do a couple loads of laundry or it could just mean I am making sure the shirts he needs are hung up in his closet.
  5. Relax – This is probably the most important of all! Taking time to decompress from a busy week and weekend is important. For me, this reading a good book, having a cup of tea and possibly a face mask. Whatever it is, it should be a priority to take some time to take care of yourself!

We all have busy schedules, lots of stress in our lives. Making sure we take at least a little bit of time on a Sunday to get everything organized for the week can truly help to make the week ahead go more smoothly.

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