
It’s been a while….

 Long time, no talk! It’s been a couple years (!) since I last posted here. Crazy! I started this blog to document my motherhood journey, and like many good intentions, it fell by the wayside.

My son is almost 12 now and life has flown by. The days have begun to blur together and I am not enjoying it. (The quickness with which everything seems to pass, not the actual days.) One of the worst feelings is looking back at your son’s childhood and saying to yourself ‘Where did it all go?’ 

I’ve come back to attempt to alleviate that feeling, to put pen to paper and share the little moments in what is the best part of my life; motherhood. 

I want to share the events, the everyday struggles, the routines, possibly even some funny anecdotes. I hope you’ll stick around to enjoy some of humorous anecdotes that he provides daily. I hope you’ll join me on this continued journey of life. We’re all so busy, it’s almost therapeutic to stop and take a moment to breath and take notes.

See you soon!

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