
It’s July!!!

I don’t know about you, but in a normal year, I love the month of July! A full month (normally) of cook outs & beach days, starting with Independence Day on July 4th! Normally my son would be at summer camp during the day, where they plan a lot of activities and field trips, so the burden of keeping summer fun isn’t all on my shoulders. And our nights usually consist of dinner and a dip in the pool or an outing to a baseball or soccer game.

This year is VERY different to say the least, and not in a good way. The corona virus pretty much took all our plans, wadded them up, and threw them in the trash… So frustrating!

So to keep things more interesting for me and my son (who is 9 and not easily amused anymore) I decided to make our own Summer Bucket List this year. I figured, we can make a neat list, post it on the wall and look to it for something to do! He’s also been spending time with his father and my parents, so now there’s always an activity for them do!

We kept it as simple as possible, just used a poster board to make our bucket list. Then we attached it to the wall using painters tape (we rent, so we don’t want to cause any damage to the walls). We tried to keep the items on list fairly inexpensive and kept in mind that there are a lot of activities that we can’t do this summer, like watch fireworks on the 4th of July, or visit some attractions that are closed. It’s turned into more of ‘I’m bored, what can I do?’ list, but ‘Summer Bucket List’ sounds more fun! LOL

Have you made a bucket list for your family? What plans do you have for family this summer? I’d love for you share below!

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