
Welcome to the Life with Kimberly Book Club!

We’ve survived half way through 2020! And that has proven to be no small feat! I’m sure we can all agree that this has been the craziest year ever and that a little bit of calmness and positive vibes would be greatly appreciated! I decided to create the Life with Kimberly Book Club because I wasn’t seeing a group that was focused on personal development, which is something I find extremely valuable. So I decided to make my own!

I want to have my book club focus primarily on personal development, whether that be time management, financial responsibility or developing a closer relationship with God… all these things are so important for growth! Each month I will choose a second book for us to read, something with a little more ‘fluff’, but still intriguing.

I have a group on Goodreads for you to join and follow, each month I will post the new books I’m reading and create a thread for everyone to discuss each book.

To kick off our monthly book club, I thought ‘Eat That Frog’ by Brian Tracy would be the perfect book to start with. This is a legendary book that provides the 21 most effective methods for conquering procrastination and accomplishing more. I’ve actually owned this book for some time and never read it, but I’m looking forward to committing myself to reading it now!

The second book if ‘The Light Within Me: An Inspirational Memoir’ by Ainsley Earhardt. She is one of my favorite news personalities and I appreciate and admire her relationship with God, and that she is very open and vocal about it!

Please use the link below to join my book club and join my monthly book club on Goodreads! If you do not have a Goodreads account, feel free to comment on this post to share your thoughts about either book.

Life with Kimberly’s Book Club

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